“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
St. Augustine’s is blessed with faithful parishioners whose regular practise of financial giving is essential to funding ongoing church operations and, from time to time, special purpose appeals. Parishioners are asked to prayerfully determine what proportion of their income God is calling them to give and to respond as they have been blessed. Friends of the parish are also invited to donate to St. Augustine’s, for ongoing operations, in memory of a loved one, in response to special appeals, etc.
Parishioners may request monthly or weekly numbered envelopes which can be used to enclose their givings. This can be arranged by contacting the Envelope Secretary via the church office. Regardless of whether or not parishioners choose to use envelopes, all are assigned an ‘envelope number’. This is used when recording each parishioner’s givings so that they can be readily accumulated and reported on an annual receipt for tax purposes.
Offerings can be placed in the offering plate which is passed during the offertory hymn or otherwise available during church services. In addition to giving during church services, there are several other options as described below:
Cash and Cheques
Cash and cheques can be given during church services or dropped off at or mailed to the church office (please do not mail cash). Parishioners who have prenumbered envelopes should use them to enclose their cash or cheque. If prenumbered envelopes are not used, it is helpful if the parishioner provides their envelope number (if known) on their cheque or plain envelope.
St. Augustine’s is set up to receive offerings via e-transfer, which is an online transfer of funds from the payor’s bank account to the church’s bank account. E-transfers should be sent to the email address: givings@staug.org. The transfer is automatically deposited without the need to respond to a security question. The transfer message should be used to provide the parishioner’s envelope number if known, as well as any special instructions related to the payment.
Automatic Monthly Bank Transfers
Parishioners may establish a pre-authorized debit agreement with St. Augustine’s. After initial setup, transfers are processed automatically every month from the parishioner’s bank account to the St. Augustine’s bank account. This agreement can be changed or cancelled at any time. The form for setting up a pre-authorized debit agreement can be obtained by contacting the church office.
Debit Machine
A debit machine is made available at most church services, which can be used by parishioners to give using their debit card.
Donate Now Button
This online function, which is administered by Canada Helps, enables parishioners and others to donate to St. Augustine’s using their credit card. The "Donate Now" button is found at the bottom of each page on this website (see below).